EFTCO SQAS Food Questionnaire
The EFTCO food workgroup has finalised the food section of the SQAS audit questionnaire to be performed every 3 years. Below is the press release supplied by EFTCO regarding the re-launch of the EFTCO food questionnaire.
The EFTCO food workgroup has finalised the food section of the SQAS audit questionnaire to be performed every 3 years. Below is the press release supplied by EFTCO regarding the re-launch of the EFTCO food questionnaire. The press release provides background information, an overview of the changes, the new logo and links to more information. NRTCA members who operate food cleaning stations and the food manufacturers will find this information useful.
All questions relating to the food questionnaire and tanker cleaning in the UK should be directed to the NTRCA in the first instance. Please contact us with your questions.